AnimVarious Amazing Facts About Animal Reiki

Anima Sur
7 min readJul 16, 2020


All animals, whether they be pets, farm, utility, or wild, benefit from the healing powers of Reiki. Animal Reiki works on the whole animal to restore the body’s natural balance by flowing directly to the source of any imbalance.


  • Hyperactive?
  • Nervous?
  • Recovering from an Illness or Operation?
  • Injured and taking time to recover?
  • Having behavioral problems?
  • A show animal that needs to be at it’s best?
  • Being shipped abroad or has to travel extensively?
  • Nearing the end of its time in this life?
  • Just wanting to be in the best of health?


If your animal is joyful, peaceful, relaxed, in good health, cool and stress-free then so will you be.

Animal Reiki helps heal on a mental, physical, and emotional level, hence maintaining your animal’s health and allowing them to be happy, peaceful, relaxed, healthy, calm, and stress-free.

Want to know more? Then click on the sections on the right-hand side of this page to get further information on how Animal Reiki can help your animal and yourself.

What’s Animal Reiki Used For?

Reiki reduces stress and induces deep relaxation.

It can aid healing:-

* after surgery

* following an illness

* for an aging animal.

Other Beneficial Effects of Animal Reiki

It also provides compassionate support to help an animal make the transition when the time has come to pass away, more peaceful for all concerned.

It is also an extremely powerful tool for emotional healing following:-

* A trauma, abuse, neglect

* Fear and Trust Issues

It complements both Conventional and Alternative Therapies and can enhance their actions and lessen any side effects.

How Does Animal Reiki Work?

It is Gentle, Painless, Non-Invasive, and Stress-Free.

It is one of only a few therapies that bring no harm to any living thing- plant or animal- to produce it’s healing properties.

Reiki is totally safe and it can be given at a distance or “hands-on” depending on the animal- the animal chooses every time. It can be adapted to any problem that affects animals.

With Reiki, animals do not have to be confined or restrained to be treated. The animal retains a large degree of control over how much Reiki he will take and under what circumstances, He becomes an active and willing partner in the healing process.

“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine.

Reiki is not a substitute for professional Veterinary Treatment.

“The Veterinary Surgery Act of 1966 prohibits anyone, other than a qualified veterinary surgeon from treating animals, including diagnosis of ailments and giving advice on such diagnosis”

However, the healing of animals by contact, by the laying of hands or distant healing is legal. The Protection of Animals Act 1911 requires that if an animal clearly needs treatment from a veterinary surgeon the owner must obtain this. To give emergency First Aid to the animals for the purpose of saving a life or relieving pain is permissible under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 Schedule 3 (taken from the UK Reiki Federation Code of Ethics and Standards of practice- March 2002).

It is a non- medical therapy that compliments and supports all other healing therapies, including veterinary medicine, and is a valuable part of a combined approach to healing and health maintenance.

One of the aspects of Reiki that is scientifically proven is that it releases endorphins into the body. Endorphins are our (and our animal’s) natural opiates which act as pain relief and give us a “feel good” factor.

By releasing endorphins into our system this can:_

  1. a) strengthen our immune system
  2. b) decrease the intensity and awareness of physical pain
  3. c) activate the emotions that are vital to the maintenance of good health
  4. d) reduce the incidences of attitudes such as chronic hostility that negatively arouses and damages our bodies.
  5. e) multiply the benefits to our body’s systems provided by stress relief.

Who Benefits from the Animal Reiki?

Animals who live closely with human companions are very much in tune with the emotional states of their people. In their efforts to protect and take care of them, animals often take on their worries, anxieties, and sometimes even their physical problems.

Reiki can help animals live closely with their people while protecting their own health so that the animal can be there at their best for their people.

Reiki can help people as well as animals to resolve and release past memories, patterns, behaviors, and other influences that hold them back from the best and highest expression of their true selves.

People sometimes ask why they need to be treated when they only want to heal their animals. The answer is that the treatment benefits you as that animal’s person, you can understand what the animal is feeling during and after treatment.

Most of all it just does you good and you can benefit from the healing as well as your animal.

The Where.

At your home, stables, kennels, or wherever your animal is the most comfortable. This is paramount and your animal has to be completely at ease and as relaxed as possible to get the maximum benefit from the treatment.

All treatments start with space between the practitioner and your animal and if your animal wants the “hands-on” then he will show this to the practitioner. At all times the comfort and well being of your animal is the top priority as is the respect that it is due. The practitioner is qualified and able to give exactly the same level of treatment to your animal from a distance- there is no lessening of the effects of the Reiki.

Distance Healing is extremely effectual with your animal getting all the benefits from the comfort of their own ambiance wherever you are. As Reiki is pure energy it isn’t subject to the limitations of time or space and can and does travel across a room or to the other side of the world or wherever it is directed by the practitioner. For full information contact.

How Many.

The number of treatments needed depends on the animal and the person but for noticeable benefits, 4–6 sessions are recommended in quick succession followed up by regular top-up sessions or as and when needed.

For Animals.

The Cost per session is £ 35.00 and each session can last up to 1 hour (it’s your animal that decides the duration of treatment) but each one does average about 45 minutes.

For our smaller animal friends such as rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc the cost is vastly less and will get a quotation on request.

The cost includes traveling time up to a maximum of 10 miles from Aberdeen City Centre. If you live outwith this area a small charge will be made for petrol. Please feel free to ask for a quotation that puts you under no obligation.

Distance Healing is also available at a cost of 3 sessions for £70.00 approximately. Distance Healing using Reiki energies is highly effective and most importantly your animal receives all the benefits from the comfort of their own surroundings.

Usually, All sessions require prior payment at the time of appointment. One can pay by cheque or cash.

The Cost per session is £ 35.00 and each session usually lasts about I hour 30 minutes. Treatments can take place at your home or at Bob’s Treatment Room.

How to get in contact

If you just want more information or a general chat about the animal or animals in your life please do not hesitate to get in touch or if you wish to make an appointment for your “friend” I will try my best to work around both of your schedules.

Any appointment for your animals is best to be around their “quiet” time so they can enjoy and get the most from their treatment.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Note of Caution:

Reiki is NOT a substitute for veterinary or medical care but is holistic and compliments medical care by treating the whole being. We do not diagnose and we support the client’s medical treatments. Reiki also does not take the place of obedience training but can assist with behavioral issues.

Originally published at on July 16, 2020.



Anima Sur

A health blogger, focusing on the ancient teachings of the Yogic Science- basic principals of Ayurveda, which anyone can incorporate in their life for health.