The Death of Health Guide for Constipation Remedy

Anima Sur
12 min readJun 29, 2020


Constipation is medically defined as the absence of stools to three consecutive days. The consistency of the stool becomes very hard and it causes pain during excretion. There is a sense of incomplete evacuation of the bowels even after one passes tools.

The symptoms that arise due to constipation include a coated tongue, flatulence, headaches, loss of appetite, depression, fatigue, etc.

If constipation is cured using natural methods then the problem may not become chronic. However, if one does not look into the matter in a serious way, then its persistence or recurrence may lead to further complications. This can cause some side-effects such as anal fissures, hemorrhoids, prolapse, fecal impaction, bloating and weak immunity. Irritability, rheumatic fever, mood swings, and nausea are also the outcome of constipation. All these side-effects can be prevented by timely treatment of constipation.

Colon Cleansing Supplement

How to get rid of constipation with the help of herbs:

  • An infusion should be made by boiling a teaspoon of fennel in water. This helps in curing constipation and the flatulence caused by it.
  • One teaspoon of Triphala powder can be taken before going to sleep. It is a natural and mild laxative that strengthens the colon. Promotes intestinal contractions or peristalsis. Also an effective detoxifying agent. It is one of the most popular herbs in Ayurveda for cleansing the colon.
  • Chicory is a natural laxative that helps in getting rid of constipation.
  • One teaspoon of psyllium husk should be added to water and taken at night.
  • Bael fruit is quite effective in flushing out the stagnant waste from the colon. Its juice can be made by mixing it with water and sugar.

How to get rid of constipation with the home remedies:

  • The juice of lemon should be added to hot water along with some salt. This mixture can be taken for immediate relief from constipation.
  • Raisins, prunes, figs, dates cure constipation naturally. These fruits are a storehouse of nutrients and fiber. They should be incorporated into one’s diet.
  • A few sticks of licorice should be chewed to treat constipation in a simple and easy way.
  • Hot milk to which a teaspoon of castor oil has been added helps in alleviating the problem
  • One can also drink hot milk at night for a few days to which a teaspoon of almond oil has been added.
  • Eating guava on an empty stomach in the morning helps in curing constipation.

How to get rid of constipation by choosing the right type of food:

  • Foods that have a high fat and cholesterol content should be avoided. Processed and refined foods are also unhealthy and trigger constipation. Such foods include products made of refined flour, hydrogenated oil, and dairy products. Examples of such foods are milk, cheese, ice creams, red meat, chips, pizzas, pasta, macaroni, etc.
  • Healthy foods that provide our body with fiber are beneficial in relieving constipation. Examples of such fiber-rich foods are bran, whole grain cereals, corn syrup, honey, bael fruit, etc.

Prevent Constipation with the Help of Natural Remedies

Constipation is the reduction in the frequency of passing stools. We are said to have constipation when we pass stools only once in a period of three days.

The following symptoms hint at constipation:

  • One has to strain while passing stools.
  • The stools are hard most of the time.
  • There is a feeling of incomplete evacuation after excretion.

Before we delve into how to prevent constipation, we need to find out what are the causes that lead to constipation. Some times constipation is caused due to some dietary and lie style problems. Once these problems are dealt with, constipation gets cured easily with the help of natural treatment. In other cases, there is some other underlying disorder that makes it presence felt through constipation. In such cases, constipation is a symptom of some severe underlying disorder.

The following symptoms signify that constipation can be cured only after the diagnosis and the subsequent treatment of the root cause:

  • Continual constipation for about two weeks.
  • Traces of blood found in the stools
  • Severe abdominal cramps.
  • Vomiting, fever, and nausea.

Such a severe form of constipation that is inter-related with some underlying ailment can be cured by going through some medical tests.

In the absence of a timely cure constipation can cause some serious side-effects as follows:

  • Anal fissures
  • Prolapse
  • Fecal impaction
  • Hemorrhoid
  • Irritability and mood swings.

In order to prevent all these problems, we may now discuss in detail how to prevent constipation.

There is a mild form of constipation too that occurs due to wrong eating habits and lifestyles.

Prevention of this type of constipation requires a basic understanding of the factors that bring about the problem. These days, people tend to indulge in fast foods without thinking twice about the consequence. Fast food can cause a lot of harm if taken frequently. The first and foremost reason being that most of the items such as pasta, macaroni, white bread, pizzas, pastries, etc are made from white four. This type of flour is devoid of the germ and fiber and has little nutritional value. Besides this, there are harmful chemical residues in it due to the bleach that is used to make the flour absolutely white. Having said that, now we may move on …

Tips on how to prevent constipation. They are as follows:

  • Fiber adds bulk to the stools and makes it soft. Fiber occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain cereals like barley, oat bran, oatmeal, jowar, bajra, whole wheat, etc.
  • Plenty of water helps in preventing dehydration which is one of the causes of constipation. The intestinal walls need moisture for lubrication. Moreover, the fiber also needs water to form a gel that pushes the food easily via the intestines. Hence 8–10 glasses of water can help us prevent constipation.
  • Physical exercises help in promoting normal digestion and egestion.
  • Proper sleep also helps in preventing constipation.

Cleanse and Stimulate the Colon

Constipation is a commonly occurring gastrointestinal problem. It may either be a disorder in itself or a symptom of some underlying disorder.

Medically speaking it is a condition in which there are infrequent bowel movements and hard stools that are difficult to pass. Bowels movement may occur only once in three days.

The problem creates certain side-effects such as bloating, fatigue, etc. Besides these problems the hardness of the stools may tear the skin around the anus, thereby leading to anal fissures. This disorder may either get cured by itself or require some special cream.

Too much straining while passing stools lead to other disorders such as hemorrhoids and prolapse. The latter is a condition in which some part of the colon lining gets pushed out of the anus due to excessive pressure.

Fecal impaction is a condition in which the stool gets dry and hard to such an extent that it cannot get eliminated from the body naturally. Certain stool softeners and enemas are used to cleanse the colon.

Constipation can also be a sign of some other root cause. In severe cases, it could be a symptom of varied disorders such as colon cancer, diabetic neuropathy, colorectal polyps, etc.

Help for constipation can be procured by making some modifications to our diet. In case of severe constipation, it is essential to get oneself medically examined. This may help one identify any underlying disorder. The treatment of the disorder may give relief to constipation too.

Check this all-natural safe constipation cure: Try it Now

The symptoms that spell trouble and require immediate medical check-up are:

  1. Absence of a bowel movement for two weeks.
  2. Blood traces in the stool
  3. Severe abdominal pain
  4. Constipation along with nausea, vomiting, and fever.

Constipation can either acute or chronic. Acute constipation is of recent origin. It surfaces all of a sudden and can be worrisome. It may also require a medical check-up. On the contrary, chronic constipation is a long duration problem. It is not as risky as acute constipation. One has to be sure with acute constipation whether it is a mild one or a symptom of some serious disorder. Chronic constipation that has been around for some time can be cured with dietary changes.

Help for constipation that arises as a result of an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle can be obtained in the following ways:

  1. Dietary fiber or roughage should be added to one’s diet. This can be done by including foods such as whole-grain wheat, oats, bran, barley, fruits, and vegetables in our diet. Fiber adds bulk to the feces and promotes normal bowel movements.
  2. Another help for constipation is by increasing the intake of fluids. This keeps the body well hydrated and is essential with a high fiber diet. This is because fiber absorbs a lot of water in our body.
  3. Physical activities are also helpful in keeping the digestion and egestion process normal.
  4. Take food and fluids separately.

The Natural Way to Cure Constipation

Food for Constipation — The Natural Way to Cure Yourself

Food for constipation has a positive effect on the functioning of our intestinal movements or peristalsis. They aid in digestion as well as the egestion of food. They lubricate our intestines and keep them well -hydrated. This makes it easier for the food to pass through the intestines. They also add bulk to the food that helps in its getting propelled via the colon.

Food for constipation has a cleansing effect on the digestive tracts.

When the digestion and egestion processes function in an efficient way the transit time that the journey of food takes from our mouth to the rectum decreases. Thus, waste food does not stagnate within the colon as it happens during the constipation problem. This proves that food and constipation have interrelation.

If we include those foods in our diet that are healthy and beneficial for digestion as well as the egestion process then we can cure the constipation problem easily.

Food for constipation includes fiber-rich cereals, fruits, and vegetables. It also includes fluids that hydrate the body. Fiber adds bulk to the stools and aids in digestion. It absorbs a lot of water and swells up. In this way, it provides bulk which serves as a grip to the intestinal walls during peristalsis or bowel contractions.

Food for constipation should include the following:

  • Grains are good sources of fiber. The whole grains are more nutritious then the refined ones as the germ and the bran are removed in the latter. Their refinement increases their shelf-life but simultaneously removes their iron, vitamin B, and fiber content. This makes them far less nutritious than whole grains. The whole grains include brown rice, whole wheat bread, oatmeal popcorn, and whole wheat cereal such as barley.
  • Fluids essential along with a high fiber diet. This is because fiber absorbs a lot of water. Thus it can work efficiently in curing constipation only if there is good fluid intake. Fluids such as water, soups, and fruit juices should be taken daily. Colas, caffeinated, and aerated drinks require elimination as they tend to dehydrate the body.
  • Fruits are also storehouses of nutrients and fiber. Bananas lubricate the intestines. Fruits such as apples, peaches, apricots, and guavas should be eaten along with their skin. Fruit juices do not contain fiber. However prune, apple, and pear juice are beneficial in curing constipation.
  • Most of the vegetables are beneficial for curing the constipation problem. The raw ones are more effective than the cooked ones. Cauliflower and spinach lubricate the intestines. Like fruit juices, the juice of vegetables is devoid of any fiber too.
  • Dairy products have fats but are devoid of fiber. Their fats content may cause constipation. Hence they should avoid in constipation.
  • Red meat is also devoid of fiber. Hence avoid in constipation. The fish is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids that lubricate the intestines.

Constipation Laxative Cure

How to Use Laxatives in a Prudent Way

Laxatives are substances that promote bowel movement and cure constipation. They can be either natural or synthetic. They are quite popular because of its effectiveness. However, they can have negative repercussions if they are not used in a prudent manner.

Awareness about their different categories is essential for a safe constipation laxative treatment.

  1. The laxatives that are the initial recommendation to treat constipation are the bulk-forming laxatives. These laxatives show results in a period ranging between 12 hrs to three days. The time to show results depends on the severity of the problem. The natural laxatives are from the gum plant, kelp, psyllium, etc. On the other hand, synthetic laxatives are compounds of synthetic cellulose such as methylcellulose. Both the natural and synthetic laxatives work alike. These types of laxatives are available in the market in the form of powders. In order to make their gritty taste tolerable, they can be mixed in fruit juices. The bulk-forming laxatives are safe and can be used by elderly people also. However, it is essential to increase the intake of water along with these laxatives. Patients with kidney failure must not take such laxatives as they have instructions to reduce their oral fluids intake.
  2. The other constipation laxative cure is done by the stimulant laxatives. These include bisacodyl, senna, castor oil, aloe, cascara, etc. They stimulate the intestinal muscle contractions. Prolonged use of such laxatives should be avoided as some of them tend to darken the lining of the colon. Castor oil can adversely affect the absorption of the minerals and nutrients by the small intestines. If these potent laxatives are not taken in moderation then they may lead to severe problems such as dehydration, loss of colon function or cathartic colon, blood electrolyte disturbances, etc
  3. The saline laxatives contain ions that pull water towards the intestines. This makes the stool softer and also stimulates the intestinal contraction or peristalsis. A large dose of such laxatives can cause complete evacuation of the bowels which is required in colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. These laxatives should be avoided by patients with kidney problems, congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure.
  4. Lubricant laxatives should be used by those people who need to reduce straining. Mineral oil is an example of such a laxative. The people who should avoid using the lubricant laxatives are those using blood thinners. Mineral oil adversely affects the absorption of vitamin K from the intestines. Hence avoid during pregnancy.
  5. The emollient laxative or stool softener is another constipation laxative cure that adds moisture to the feces. They should be taken by people suffering from hemorrhoids or anal fissures. These laxatives should not be used along with mineral oil because the emollient laxatives can increase the absorption of the mineral oil which can lead to inflammation of the spleen and liver.

Castor Oil in Constipation during Pregnancy

Pregnancy — is a time to rejoice for every family and especially the pregnant woman because for her it’s a dream come true. But it brings lots of complications with it constipation being one of them.

Constipation means disturbance in the bowel movement. When the waste material becomes hard and is not able to pass through it is constipation.

It causes great discomfort during pregnancy, especially in later parts. There can be bleeding in the rectum. With the growth of baby chances of constipation grows because of pressure exerted on the intestine. Other reasons could be iron and calcium supplements, less exercise, bed rest. So a pregnant lady should take proper diet, drink plenty of water, do exercises, and go for walks. This means that she should lead a healthy and active life.

Because it is always better to prevent the problem than to cure it.

But if one faces the problem of constipation there are many natural ways of curing it.

Castor oil is one way of curing constipation. It is a vegetable oil that is known to be a natural laxative. It is extracted from the seeds of the castor plant. The scientific name of the plant is Ricinus Communis which is found in East Africa. Its main component is ricinoleic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid.

Ricinoleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid that prevents the growth of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It is very effective in constipation. Bowel movement starts and ends constipation. It can be ingested or taken internally to get relief from it.

But during pregnancy, the recommendation is not to use as it can make the baby in the womb hyperactive. Laxatives remove minerals from the body which helps in the development of the baby. It may cause premature contraction which is harmful to the baby and the mother. One should always consult a doctor and then take medicines prescribed by him. Better to avoid Castor oil during pregnancy.


Please consult a registered practitioner before considering home remedies.

Originally published at on June 29, 2020.



Anima Sur

A health blogger, focusing on the ancient teachings of the Yogic Science- basic principals of Ayurveda, which anyone can incorporate in their life for health.